Monday, June 25, 2007


Every time I try to watch the news, I see the 2d Coming of Mother Theresa (Ms. Jolie) being interviewed by some starry-eyed reporter tossing her "Softball Questions." Usually CNN.

I have a few questions of my own, but never hear them asked. Since she is now considered the most powerful and wonderful woman on the planet, I would think she could answer a few hot topic questions:

1. You are very impressive, globe-trotting to help innocent children who cannot feed or defend themselves. Your appreciation for human life is without question. Where do you stand on abortion and partial-birth abortion??
2. Many young girls and adult women look up to you as a role-model. Mimmicking your every move, thoughts, and opinions. Since you now have 4 children, with plans to adopt up to 12, would you consider marriage a good plan - instead of thc children being raised by your Sex-Partner of the Year??

3. Why did you want to work as a Funeral Home Embalmer in your younger years!!

4. Why do you have a Japaneese Tattoo that means "Death"??

5. Since you had a Sexual Relationship with your Female co-star in 1996 and wanted to marry her, are you still a Homosexual?? Do you approve of Gay Marriage?? Would you consider marrying a Woman now??

6. How did you come by the name "Shiloh Nouvel" for your child. That translates into "New Messiah". Are you comparing yourself to the Virgin Mary -- and your child to Jesus??

Ms. Jolie won't answer these questions because she is a FRAUD!! She plays "make-believe" for a living.
That's what actor's do best. And she has 95% of the world fooled. That's an actor's job.

Your are very welcome to tell me where I am wrong. In fact - I welcome your comments. Facts Only!!

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